DefaultEngine.ini -> m_bUseDiskCache and m_iMaxDeferredRequests, the first one from true to false, the second one from 2 to 0, remember that the second one requires memory editing if you want to make this work costantly, the game doesn't reset it but in order to log into the game, display characters it needs to be set to 2 and then on district select to 0 DefaultGame.ini -> m_bCalculateOnServer from True to False Civilian ragdoll m_cfg_fMinNPCRagdollDisplayTime=0.0 m_cfg_fMaxNPCRagdollDisplayTime=0.0 m_cfg_nMaxNumberOfNPCRagdolls=0 m_cfg_nHardMaxNumberOfNPCRagdolls=0 m_cfg_fMinNPCRagdollDespawnDelay=0.0 m_nMaxDeadRagDollPawns=5